Cortical and thalamic lesions in rats with genetic absence epilepsy.

In generalized, non-convulsive, absence epilepsy, spike-and-wave discharges (SWD) are recorded in both the cortex and the thalamus. The effect of various cortical and thalamic lesions on the occurrence of spontaneous SWD was examined in rats from a strain with genetic absence epilepsy. Cortical ablations suppressed SWD recorded in the thalamus. KCl induced unilateral cortical spreading depression and transiently suppressed SWD in the ipsilateral cortex and thalamus; SWD recovered simultaneously in both structures. Bilateral thalamic lesions of the anterior nuclei, the ventromedial nuclei, the posterior area, or lesion of the midline nuclei did not suppress cortical SWD. However, large lesions of the lateral thalamus, including the specific relay and reticular nuclei, definitely suppressed ipsilateral SWD, and pentylenetetrazol, THIP or gammabutyrolactone failed to restore the cortical SWD. These results demonstrate that the neocortex and the specific thalamic nuclei are both necessarily involved in the generation of SWD in absence epilepsy.

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