Process heat from modularized HTR

Abstract In a comprehensive study Lurgi GmbH and Interatom GmbH, both of Germany, analyzed to which extent and for which industries process heat supply by modularized HTR might be realized, and which adaptation work, both on the reactor and on the process side would be necessary. Refining operations and alumina calcination appeared as the most promising candidates for the use of HTR process heat. In refineries the temperature level is mostly well below 600 °C, and the heat flow amounts to some 100 MW. Adaptation work would only be necessary for heat exchangers and for the safety concept. In the case of alumina calcination the heat flow is in the same order of magnitude but the peak temperature of 950–1000 °C is a little bit above the range in which the HTR can supply heat. Adaptation work would be needed for new heat exchangers and for process modifications with the aim of either lowering the process’ peak temperature or providing the heat at peak temperature via a clean chemical fuel. Consequently, in the second part of the study these adaptation works were addressed, and technically and economic feasible solutions were found.