A categoria precisao na avaliação e na meta-avaliação: aspectos praticos e teoricos em um novo enfoque

This article deals with the category precision of a true evaluation in the scope of evaluation and meta-evaluation (evaluation of evaluation). First, it presents the modern conceptualization of evaluation and meta-evaluation and then discusses the role of meta-evaluation to ensure the quality of an evaluation process, in its different approaches, from the four categories of a true evaluation (utility, viability, ethics and precision). The emphasis of the article is on the category precision: (1) its importance in a meta-evaluation, in all the phases or stages of an evaluation, with its advances and its limitations and; (2) its application in the meta-evaluation itself which, while an evaluative process, must also follow the four patterns of a true evaluation. In this sense, practical and theoretical aspects which merit attention in the negotiation, the design, the implementation and the conduction of a meta-evaluation are presented, when the paradigm of the treatment of the data of a meta-evaluation, through the classical logic and not the fuzzy logic, is discussed.