Insights into brain function and neural plasticity using magnetic source imaging.

This review outlines the rationale for the use of magnetoencephalography (MEG) or magnetic source imaging (MSI), a noninvasive functional imaging technique, and the features that any imaging method should display to make a substantial contribution to cognitive neuroscience. After a brief discussion of the basic experimental approach used in the authors' studies, the use of early sensory components of brain magnetic responses is reviewed to address issues of the functional organization of the primary sensory cortices, followed by a comment on the clinical use of these components. Second, normative studies focusing on the late components of magnetic responses for establishing the validity and reliability of MSI maps of the language-specific cortex in normal subjects are reviewed. Third, the authors' investigations of fine spatiotemporal features of brain activation maps, specific to receptive language and to reading, are reviewed. Fourth, experience with presurgical mapping of the language-specific cortex in neurosurgery candidates and in patients undergoing the "Wada" procedure is summarized followed by a comment on the perfect agreement of the MSI maps with those derived by more direct invasive brain mapping procedures. Fifth. MSI-derived evidence of often dramatic, functional reorganization of brain areas subserving both simple sensory and linguistic functions is summarized along with comments on the use of MSI as a means for investigating brain plasticity. Finally, in the sixth section of this review, the authors relate their experience with the use of MSI in deriving brain activation profiles during silent reading of real words and pseudowords that are specific to dyslexic children. The review concludes with a discussion on the further use of MSI in assessing, among other issues, the effectiveness of intervention strategies designed to improve reading fluency in dyslexic children.


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