개인사용자의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 사용의도 연구
While cloud computing is a new paradigm of computing where end users employ software applications, data storage and computing service hosted on the Internet, there has been little empirical work in this area from the end-user"s standpoint. Drawing on the main variables such as performance expectancy and effort expectancy from UTAUT(unified theory of acceptance and use of technology), this study develops and tests a model of an individual"s intention to use cloud computing. Our model posits that sharing and compatibility affect both performance expectancy and effort expectancy which, in turn, influences and intention to use cloud computing. Survey data from 153 subjects was used to test our model using both Baron and Kenny"s approach and PLS technique. Sharing and compatibility were found to have significant impacts on intention to use that were either fully or partially mediated by both performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Based on our findings, we hope that this study will contribute to the relevant IT adoption and cloud computing research.