Propagation DelayMinimization on RLC-Based Bus withRepeater Insertion

Inthispaper, we propose agreedy algorithm to minimize themaximalpropagation delay forgiving thetopology ofa multi-source multi-sink buswithRLC delaymodel.The algorithm minimizes themaximaldelayby inserting signal repeaters intothecritical pathandadjusts theirsizes, and repeats theaboveprocedure until noanyimprovement indelay reduction. Experimental results exhibit thatthealgorithm can reduce thecritical delay ofabuseffectively fordeepsubmicron technologies. Theaverage savings incritical delay ofRLC-based busesfor0.35jmand0.18pm technologies areless 5.6%and4% thanthatofRC-based buses, respectively, whereas theusages in size ofRLC-based busesfor0.35jm and0.18pm technologies are less 3.2and13.2thanthatofRC-based buses, respectively. The average errors compared withHSPICEincritical delay ofRLC- basedbusesfor0.35jmand0.18pm technologies arebetter 3.53%and1.09%thanthatofRC-based buses, respectively. The algorithm issimple butveryeffective. Keywords-repeater insertion, bus,RLC delay model