Discrete-time systems
Discrete-time system: Geo/G/1 and batch arrival Geo/G/1 Geo/G/1 batch arrival Geo/G/1 batch arrival Geo/G/1 systems busy periods waiting times during a delay cycle waiting time in the ROS system time-dependent processes busy period processes packet model ARQ protocols exhaustive service systems with Vacations I stochastic decomposition multiple vacation model exhaustive service systems with Vacations II single vacation model system with setup times system with N-policy system with exceptional first service nonexhaustive service systems with vacations gated service systems limited service systems time-limited service system decrementing service systems priority queues conservation law supermessage T-cycle nonpreemptive priority queue preemptive resume priority queue vacation models packet model Geo/G/1/N performance measures queue size waiting time busy periods time-dependent process systems with vacations Geo/G/1/K and batch arrival Geo/G/1/K delayed replacement model immediate replacement model systems with vacations batch arrival system without vacations batch arrival system with multiple vacations Geo/G/1/K/N system without vacations multiple vacation model references.