정적 메시지 재할당을 이용한 FlexRay 네트워크 사용효율 개선 기법
This paper presents a mathematical model to determine the optimal length of static messages that can achieve more efficient use of a FlexRay network. In order to determine the optimal length of static message, the proposed model evaluates the given set of messages with respect to a network utilization index, which is defined in this work. The efficient use of a FlexRay network is achieved by reallocating any static message whose length is equal or greater than the resulting value to the dynamic segment. The effectiveness of the proposed method is investigated by applying to the SAE benchmark data.
[1] 최형연,et al. 슬레드 모델 시뮬레이션을 이용한 자동차 정면충돌에서 차량 형태별 운전자 상해 판정식 제작 , 2013 .