11.2.3 Developing Section 4 Verification Text: Getting Early Buy‐In from Industry & Government Stakeholders
Defining, designing & building a Large-Scale Integration system is a daunting task. Even more daunting is proving that a system of that complexity meets the design requirements. The verification ‘proof process’ starts early on in a development program and the foundation is captured in the section 4 verification text, as defined in MIL-STD-961E, DoD Standard Practice, Defense and Program-Unique Specification Format and Content. There have been numerous technical papers written to ensure that the section 3 requirements are verifiable, but few papers have been written to describe how to develop quality section 4 verification text. This paper describes a formal verification approach for developing quality section 4 verification text, with associated verification planning data, and getting early buy-in from Industry and Government stakeholders in defining critical verification events, which is crucial to the success of any Large-Scale Integration system.