A benchmark for investigating the radial dependence of C/E for control rod worths in large decoupled cores

The first physics measurements of a heterogeneous core on the critical assembly ZPPR-7 at ANL showed that the C/E ratios with ENDF/B data for the worths of the control rods in the outer bank were several percent higher than those at the inner bank positions. This radial variation in the C/E for the rod worths was further confirmed in the analysis of the large conventional core ZPPR-10, and again in the analysis of the large heterogeneous core series ZPPR-13. In the design of a power reactor, the number of control rods, and their disposition, are determined by calculations. Misprediction of the worth of the control rods can lead to serious economic penalties by restricting the operation of the core. Retrofitting a core to accommodate more worth will be costly and is likely to lead to a non-optimized core. This document provides a discussion of these calculations. 7 refs., 7 figs., 12 tabs.