Preparing for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) implementation: an evaluation and recommendations

Abstract The key objective of this paper was to report on one of the industrial-based change case studies of the MASCA project (MAnaging System Change in Aviation—EU FP7, 2010–2013). This case study provides a systematic insight into one airport’s approach to their preparation for full implementation of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). An action-based methodological approach was applied over a 3-year period, and a particular focus of this paper is on the application of the MASCA system change and operational evaluation tool (SCOPE/Structured Enquiry). Key recommendations resulted in research-led interventions, such as the development of a Serious Game to facilitate co-ordination and communications. The paper also reports on future recommendations for the implementation of A-CDM, such as prioritising social relations and trust building amongst airport stakeholders as opposed to viewing A-CDM solely as an IT-led project. Recommendations and learning from this case study can also be disseminated to other airports who are about to embark on the preparation for full A-CDM implementation and compliance.