Effects of individual trees on the solar radiation climate of small buildings

Abstract Under clear skies, a mid-sized sugar maple tree ( Acer saccharum Marsh.) reduced irradiance in its shade on a south-facing wall by about 80% when in leaf, and by nearly 40% when leafless. Reductions by a similar-sized London plane ( Platanus acerifolia W.) were generally slightly smaller. The percentage reductions varied with the fraction (DR) of diffuse radiation, and could be approximated by regressions with DR 2 as the independent variable. The significance of the irradiance reductions for building radiation climate was tested by using physical models of representative tree crowns (similar to sugar maple) and a representative house to evaluate shadow patterns, along with a mathematical model of average hourly solar radiation for an average day of each month. For a mid-sized tree with a 2-m clear bole located south of the house in a cloudy climate, the ratio of desirable insolation reductions during the cooling season to undesirable insolation reductions during the heating season was a low 0.74; whereas, with the same tree on the west, the ratio was a much more beneficial 4.6. In a sunny climate, the ratios were 0.55 and 3.3 for the tree on the south and west, respectively. A taller tree with a longer clear bole on the south produced more favorable ratios of cooling season to heating season insolation reductions than the tree with the short clear bole on the south.