저영향개발(LID)적용을 위한 구조적 BMPs의 유출량 및 비점오염저감 효과모의: LIDMOD2 적용

Low impact development (LID) technique is recently proposed as new concept to reduce surface runoff and pollutant loading with various best management practices (BMPs). In this study, LIDMOD2, which is one of the model to evaluate LID, was applied at Mohyeon developing area to evaluate the redcution of annual runoff and pollution loading, cost-reduction efficient by LID with design of structural BMPs including bioretention, wet pond, and wetland. As a simulation results, the bioretention had the highest reduction efficiency for runoff (41.43%), and 22% for T-N and 22% for BOD. Wet pont had the highest reduction efficiency for T-P as showing 25% of reduction rate. As a results of cost-reduction efficient, wet pont represented the highest cost-effective for T-N and BOD with showing 0.43 T-P kg/million won and 17.37 BOD kg/million won, respectively, and bioretention represented the highest cost-effective for T-P with showing 2.52 T-P kg/million won. LID technology could reduce effectively surface runoff and nonpoint source pollution and construct sustainable development. LIDMOD2 could be suggested as useful tool to evaluate and design LID.