Extending postgreSQL to handle OLXP workloads

The importance of database systems to efficiently support OLTP and OLAP mixed workloads, the so-called OLXP workloads, has been recognized recently. Some research projects and also some commercial database systems with focus on the processing of OLXP workloads have appeared in the last few years. In this paper, we present our work to extend the PostgreSQL OSS database system to efficiently handle OLXP workloads. Besides PostgreSQL's traditional OLTP-oriented row data store, we provide a new OLAP-oriented column data store in the form of a new index. Unlike previous works that support both row and column data stores, we propose a column index with no restrictions concerning data size and/or updatability. Therefore, transactional data inserted to PostgreSQL row data store become immediately available for efficient analytical processing using the proposed column store index.