The Performance Analysis of Distributed Storage Systems Used in Scalable Web Systems

Scalable web systems are directly related to distributed storage systems used to process large amounts of data (big data). An example of such a system is Hadoop with its many extensions supporting data storage such as SQL-on-Hadoop systems and the “Parquet” file format. Another kind of systems for storing and processing big data are NoSQL databases, such as HBase, which are used in applications requiring fast random access. The Kudu system was created to combine the advantages of Hadoop and HBase and enable both effective data set analysis and fast random access. As subject of the research, performance analysis of the mentioned systems was performed. The experiment was conducted in the Amazon Web Services public cloud environment, where the cluster of nine virtual machines was configured. For research purpose, containing about billion rows fragment of “Wikipedia Page Traffic Statistics” public dataset was used. The results of the measurements confirm that the Kudu system is a promising alternative to the commonly used technologies.