Modeling and automatic control of nuclear reactors

This paper presents a developed real time simulator for MPR (multi purpose reactor), on which the Egyptian 2/sup nd/ research reactor is based. A VisSim S/W environment with real-time add-on is employed to achieve this put-pose. VisSim S/W supports a variety of standard and industrial grade I/O cards and uses the block diagram programming technique, which keeps use of specialized code to minimum. All necessary reactivity feedback is taken into consideration and modeled by sufficiently accurate equations. A control rod withdrawal algorithm, which represents the actual one of the MPR, is stated and modeled. Application of traditional control algorithms are implemented and discussed. Advanced control algorithms such as fuzzy, neural network, and genetic are investigated to substitute the moving control rod selection logic and core parameter prediction. The simulator can be distributed with VisSim viewer or through generated C code from VisSim block diagram. The results of the proposed simulator in the power state agree well with the published experimental and analytical results.