The objective of this research is to describe the types of speech acts employed by entertainment service users ( penanggap ) and performers in negotiation for Javanese karawitan art entertainment service procurement in Surakarta and its vicinity. Historically the regions of Surakarta included Solo,Sukoharjo, Klaten, Boyolali, Sragen, Karanganyar and Wonogiri. Communities living in Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Sragen, and Karanganyar are the ones, which most frequently use Javanese karawitan entertainment services, and therefore the regions were chosen as the locations of this research. This research used the pragmatic approach. The data of the research were validated and analyzed by using the ethnographic analysis claimed by Spradley (1980:103) through some modified stages, namely: (1) making ethnographic records; (2) domain analysis; (3) taxonomical analysis; (4) componential analysis; and (5) cultural-theme analysis. The speech acts used by penanggap and performers in negotiation for Javanese karawitan entertainment service procurement are expressives, assertives, directives, commissives, and declaratives. In detail, 389 utterances are found as speech acts: 130 of which are assertives with the sub-speech acts of ‘ acknowledging’ , ‘declaring’ , ‘reporting’ , ‘ notifying’ , ‘ explaining’ , ‘ agreeing’ , ‘ concluding’ ; 27 of them belong to expressives with the sub-speech acts of ‘ saluting’ , ‘ apologizing’ , ‘ praising’ , ‘ thanking’ , ‘ blaming’ , ‘ expecting’ , ‘ allowing’ ; 108 utterances are directives with the sub-speech acts of ‘ requesting , ‘ asking’ , ‘ suggesting’ , ‘ advising’ , ‘ ordering’ , ‘ commanding’ ; 77 utterances are declaratives with the sub-speech acts of ‘ convincing’ , ‘ affirming’ , ‘ deciding’ ; and 47 utterances are commissives with the sub-speech acts of; ‘ refusing’ , ‘ bargaining’ , ‘ promising’ , ‘ prohibiting’ . Penanggap and public who intend to have such an amusement are suggested to be smart when doing negotiation. Penanggap may invite such entertainment with low cost through great bargaining strategies. The performers, management of art groups, and their members are suggested not to leave behind the politeness principles when having negotiation. Keywords : Speech act, negotiation, entertainment service users ( Penanggap ), performers, entertainment services.