cells, anda mutation ineither genedecreased thetotal APaseexpressed underphosphate starvation conditions. Data presented hereshowthat aphoAphoBdouble mutantreduced APaseproduction during phosphate starvation by98%,indicating that these twogenesareresponsible formostoftheAPaseactivity during phosphate-limited growth. Thepromoter forphoA was cloned andused, withthephoBpromoter, toexamine phosphate regulation inB.subtilis. phoA-lacZ reporter gene assaysshowedthattheexpression ofthephoAgene commences as the culture enters stationary phase asaresult oflimiting phosphate concentrations inthegrowth medium, thereby mimicking thepattern oftotal APaseexpression. Induction persists forapproximately 2handisthenturned off.phoAistranscribed froma single promoterwhichinitiates transcription 19bpbefore thetranslation initiation codon. PhoPandPhoRaremembersofthetwo-component signal transduction systembelieved to regulate geneexpression inresponsetolimiting phosphate. Theexpression ofphoAorphoBinresponseto phosphate starvation was equally dependent on PhoPandPhoRforinduction. lacZ-promoter fusions showed thatbothphoAandphoBwerehyperinduced, orfailed toturnoffinduction after 2h,ina spoOAstrain ofB. subfilis. Mutations ingeneswhich arerequired forphosphorylation ofSpoOA, spoOBandspoOF, alsoresulted inphoAandphoBhyperinduction, suggesting thatphosphorylation ofSpoOAisrequired fortherepression of bothAPases inwild-type strains. Thehyperinduction ofeither APasegeneinaspoOAstrain was dependent on PhoPandPhoR.Analysis ofaphoP-lacZ promoter fusion showed thatthephoPRoperonishyperinduced ina spoOAmutantstrain, suggesting thatSpoOA-PrepressesAPasesbyrepressing phoPRtranscription. We proposea modelforPHO regulation inB.subtilis whereby thephoPRoperonistranscribed inresponseto limiting phosphate concentration, resulting inactivation ofthePHO regulon transcription, including transcription ofphoA andphoB. Whenthephosphate responsefails toovercomethenutrient deficiency, signals forphosphorylation ofSpoOAresult inproduction ofSpoOA-P, whichrepressestranscription ofphoPR, thereby repressing synthesis ofthePHO regulon. Nutrient depletion isa stress frequently encountered bya bacterium. A consequenceofnutrient depletion isthedisruption ofexponential growth asthecell enters stationary growth. During thistransition stage, geneswhichareinactive during exponential growth expressgeneproducts necessary forsurvival underthestress condition encountered. Depending on theenvironmental conditions, theBacillus subtilis cell may either entera nondividing stationary phase orbegin a developmental programleading totheformation ofa resistant endospore. Certainly, ifthegeneproducts expressed inresponsetothestress function toreplenish thedepleted nutrient before thecommitment tosporulation ismade,thecell can resumevegetative growth. Someofthefunctions expressed during thetransition stage
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Transcriptional regulation of Bacillus subtilis glucose starvation-inducible genes: control of gsiA by the ComP-ComA signal transduction system
Journal of bacteriology.
A. Sonenshein,et al.
Role of the Bacillus subtilis gsiA gene in regulation of early sporulation gene expression
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The influence of ribosome‐binding‐site elements on translational efficiency in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in vivo
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Bacillus subtilis early sporulation genes kinA, spo0F, and spo0A are transcribed by the RNA polymerase containing sigma H
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Genetic competence in Bacillus subtilis.
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Initiation of sporulation in B. subtilis is controlled by a multicomponent phosphorelay
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Differential Regulation ofspoOATranscription inBacillus subtilis: Glucose Represses Promoter Switching atthe Initiation ofSporulation
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The Bacillus subtilis phoAIV gene: effects of in vitro inactivation on total alkaline phosphatase production.
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Signal transduction in the phosphate regulon of Escherichia coli involves phosphotransfer between PhoR and PhoB proteins.
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Regulation of the phosphate regulon of Escherichia coli: analysis of mutant phoB and phoR genes causing different phenotypes
Journal of bacteriology.
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Expression of competence genes in Bacillus subtilis
Journal of bacteriology.
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Effect of stage 0 sporulation mutations on subtilisin expression
Journal of bacteriology.