An efficient algorithm for constructing a connected dominating set in mobile ad hoc networks

The connected dominating set (CDS) is widely used as a virtual backbone in mobile ad hoc networks. Although many distributed algorithms for constructing the CDS have been proposed, nearly all of them require two or more separated phases, which may cause problems such as long delay in the later phases when the network size is large. This paper proposes a Distributed Single-Phase algorithm for constructing a connected dominating set, DSP-CDS, in ad hoc networks. The DSP-CDS is an asynchronous distributed algorithm and converges quickly in a single phase. Each node uses one-hop neighborhood information and makes a local decision on whether to join the dominating set. Each node bases its decision on a key variable, strength, which guarantees that the dominating set is connected when the algorithm converges. The rules for computing strength can be changed to accommodate different application needs. The DSP-CDS adapts well to dynamic network topologies, upon which the algorithm makes only necessary local updates to maintain the CDS of the network. The performance of the DSP-CDS can be tuned by adjusting two main parameters. Extensive simulations have demonstrated that those parameters can affect the CDS size, the CDS diameter, and number of rounds for the algorithm to converge. Comparisons with other multiple-phase CDS algorithms have shown that the DSP-CDS converges fast and generates a CDS of comparable size.

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