The applicable condition of Magos' method for mercury measurement under coeixtence of selenium.

Abstract Delayed and incomplete release of Hg 0 was reported in liver, blood, and spleen, but not in kidneys and brain, of mice simultaneously administered HgCl 2 and Na 2 SeO 3 for both inorganic and total mercury determination by Magos' method. This problem was overcome by the treatment of the tissue homogenate with an equal volume of 45% NaOH containing 1% cysteine·HCl at 40°C for more than 30 min and the use of the area under the peak of the mercury release curve on calculaton. In the case of administration of methylmercuric chloride instead of mercuric chloride, the influence of coexistent selenium was not observed for mercury determination by Magos' method in mice within 24 h after dosing.