Mikrosystemtechnik zum Einsatz in der Minimal Invasiven Endoskop-Assistierten Neurochirurgischen Operationstechnik (MINOP II)

Sl ' M M A R Y Wilh llic cxisling cquipment in the operatmi' the Ini t i ier dcvelopment of Ihc surgical lechim|iies IN hmiteil. Thcrcl'ore ihe aim of the pioject IN (o develop a nevv integraled platform for min imal invasivc neurosurgieal operalions wilh the help pl ' inicro systein technologies. I Ins new eoneept cousists of 4 main modules: an exoseope for ihe 3D visualization of the operating field, a new 3l ) endoscope, inicromanipulators for the visual Je\ ices and miniaturized multifunction Instruments iledieatcd to endoscopic techniques. \n opcn platform combines the different modules, scrves äs an interface for the various input devices and eoordmates the display of all available Information either on a head-mounted display or on monitors.