Un-regularizing: approximate proximal point and faster stochastic algorithms for empirical risk minimization

We develop a family of accelerated stochastic algorithms that minimize sums of convex functions. Our algorithms improve upon the fastest running time for empirical risk minimization (ERM), and in particular linear least-squares regression, across a wide range of problem settings. To achieve this, we establish a framework based on the classical proximal point algorithm. Namely, we provide several algorithms that reduce the minimization of a strongly convex function to approximate minimizations of regularizations of the function. Using these results, we accelerate recent fast stochastic algorithms in a black-box fashion. Empirically, we demonstrate that the resulting algorithms exhibit notions of stability that are advantageous in practice. Both in theory and in practice, the provided algorithms reap the computational benefits of adding a large strongly convex regularization term, without incurring a corresponding bias to the original problem.

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