This study updates a similar study by George W. Adams published by the Industrial Relations Centre at Queens University in 1978. Barnacle provides thorough but concise reviews of discipline/discharge theory and previous tudies of discharge arbitration. His primary contribution, however, is an analysis of over 800 discharge arbitrations from Ontario between 1983 and 1986. The 95 tables included in the book provide a detailed picture of discharge arbitration i Ontario. The survey examining post-reinstatement experiences i particularly informative, since there are relatively few studies of this nature in the literature. The employer and union responses to the survey showed that reinstatement of discharged employees was "generally successful with limited job-related problems." Unfortunately, there are no statistical tests. The tables present descriptive statistics or bivariate breakdowns of means and cell frequencies. Without statistical tests, the reader is left to guess whether the patterns revealed are significant or due to random error. Furthermore, the high likelihood of correlations among explanatory variables suggests that multivariate statistical models should be employed before conclusions can be drawn from the analysis. Nevertheless, the wealth of descriptive information provided will be of interest o practitioners and students of discharge arbitration.