Abstract A project named SETH (SESAR Thermal Hydraulics (SESAR: Senior Group of Experts on Nuclear Safety Research)) has been performed under the auspices of 15 OECD countries, with the aim of creating an experimental database suitable to assess the 3D code capabilities in analyzing physical key phenomena relevant for LWR safety analysis. This paper presents the results of OECD/SETH Project Test 25 performed in the PANDA facility (located at PSI in Switzerland). Test 25 consists of two phases for duration of approximately 2 h for each phase. During Phase 1 a steam–helium mixture (helium is used to simulate hydrogen) is released in a containment compartment initially filled with only air. This phase simulates the hydrogen released in a postulated accident due to the fuel cladding metal–water (MW) reaction. During Phase 2 only steam is released in the containment and the scenario that occurs after the MW reaction is exhausted is addressed. Temperature and gas concentration measurements obtained at several locations in the containment compartments allow the recognition of the complex stratification pattern evolution during the test period. The analysis of Test 25 carried out with the GOTHIC code is also presented in this paper. The analysis shows that the prediction of three-gas (hydrogen, steam, and air) stratification pattern in a multi-compartment geometry for scenarios characterized by the evolution of the density difference between and inside compartments and in particular of the hydrogen accumulation in a dead-end volume is a challenging task also for a code having 3D capabilities.
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On the application of field codes to the analysis of gas mixing in large volumes: case studies using CFX and GOTHIC
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Experiments on Gas Mixing and Stratification Driven by Jets and Plumes in Large-Scale, Multi-Compartment Geometries
M. Heitsch,et al.
A benchmark exercise on the use of CFD codes for containment issues using best practice guidelines: A computational challenge
Domenico Paladino,et al.
Investigation of large-scale gas mixing and stratification phenomena related to LWR containment studies in the PANDA facility
G. Yadigaroglu,et al.
George Yadigaroglu,et al.
Trends and needs in experimentation and numerical simulation for LWR safety
M. Heitsch,et al.
Evaluation of computational fluid dynamic methods for reactor safety analysis (ECORA)
G. Yadigaroglu,et al.
Influence of the distribution of noncondensibles on passive containment condenser performance in PANDA
G. Yadigaroglu,et al.
The PANDA facility and first test results
Olivier Auban,et al.
Experimental Investigation of Natural-Circulation Flow Behavior under Low-Power/Low-Pressure Conditions in the Large-Scale PANDA Facility