The Effectiveness of Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) Learning Model Application on Improving Mathematical Learning Result of Elementary School Students in Parepare City

This research investigates the enhancement of mathematics learning of fifth-grade students of public elementary educational institutions in Parepare city. MeansEnds Analysis (MEA) is used for this study as a learning model. The method used is a quantitative approach with a type of queasy experiment. The research style used by the Nonequivalent pre-test -post-test management team style. Random sampling was conducted by proportional cluster, which was to select one school in each sub-district and randomly taken fifth grade at each school as an experimental group and determine the other fifth quality as a control group. The techniques used for the data collection was in the form of test and documentation. The result revealed that the student learning result before and after use of the Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) had a rise where the common pretest value was 42.50 then improved to the post-test value to 80.33 whereas in the control class is 43.87 to 77.41. The result of the descriptive statistical analysis revealed that mathematics learning in the experimental class had a higher improve as opposed to the control class. The result of hypothesis testing obtained on t depends on 23.878 while t desk acquired 2.045 or t depend > t desk or 23.878> 2.045. Lastly, H0 is rejected, or there are differences in average before and after treatment. This shows that there is a positive influence on the use of MEA learning model on improving the result of mathematics learning in fifth-grade students of public elementary educational institutions in Parepare city. Keywords—means and analysis learning model; mathematics learning result