We develop open source infection risk calculators for patients and healthcare professionals as apps for hospital acquired infections (during child-delivery) and sexually transmitted infections (like HIV). Advanced versions of ehealth in non-communicable diseases do not apply to epidemiology much. There is, however, no infection risk calculator in the Polish Internet so far, despite the existence of data that may be applied to create such a tool.
The algorithms involve data from Information Systems (like HIS in hospitals) and surveys by applying mathematical modelling, Bayesian inference, logistic regressions, covariance analysis and social network analysis. Finally, user may fill or import data from Information System to obtain risk assessment and test different settings to learn overall risk.
The most promising risk calculator is developed for Healthcare-associated infections in modes for patient hospital sanitary inspection. The most extended version for hospital epidemiologists may include many layers of hospital interactions by agent-based modeling. Simplified version of calculator is dedicated to patients that require personalized hospitalization history of pregnancy described by questions represented by quantitative and qualitative variables. Patients receive risk assessment from interactive web application with additional description about modifiable risk factors.
We also provide solution for sexually transmitted infections like HIV. The results of calculations with meaningful description and percentage chances are presented in real-time to interested users. Finally, user fills the form to obtain risk assessment for given settings.
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