Computer-supported cooperative work and groupware

Part 1 Studying groups without groupware: finding from observational studies of collaborative work, John Tang twinkling lights and nested loops - distributed problem solving and spreadsheet development, Bonnie Nardi and James Miller. Part 2 Studying groups with groupware: design for conversation - lessons from Cognoter, Deborah Tatar et al the Portland experience - a report on a distributed research group, Margarethe Olson and Sara Bly power, ease of use and co-operative work in a practical multimedia message system, Nathaniel Borenstein and Chris Thyberg. Part 3 Computer-mediated communications and group decision support systems: electronic meeting support - the group system concept, Joseph Valacich et al computer-mediated communication, individuation and group decision-making, Martin Lea and Russell Spears controversial flexibility in a computer conference used in professional education, Judith Weedman. Part 4 Novel and innovative groupware technologies: multidimensional audio window management, Michael Coben and Lester Ludwig liveware - a new approach to sharing data in social networks, Ian Witten et al rIBIS - a real-time group hypertext system, Gail Rein and Clarence Ellis modelling groupware in the electronic office, S.Cook et al. Part 5 Removing rigidity from groupware: post-mechanistic groupware primitives - rhythms, boundaries and containers, Peter and Trudy Johnson-Lenz structure and support in co-operative environments - the Amsterdam conversation environment, Elizabeth Dykstra. Part 6 Participatory design: obstacles to user involvement in software product development with implications for CSCW, Jonathan Grudin co-operative prototyping - users and designers in mutual activity, Susanne Bodker and Kaj Gronboek. Part 7 Literature sources for CSCW and groupware: an annotated bibliography of computer supported cooperative work, Saul Greenberg.