Radiation-enhanced network formation in copolymer galvanoforms for diffractive nickel x-ray optics with high aspect ratios

High-resolution x-ray microscopy makes use of nanostructured diffractive optics such as Fresnel zone plates made of nickel. These micro zone plates are manufactured using microscopic galvanoforms and electrodeposition techniques. Copolymer galvanoforms for nickel micro zone plates were irradiated with high doses of x-ray radiation to increase the degree of cross-linking of the copolymer network; in this way, exact pattern replication in the galvanoform was obtained for zone aspect ratios of up to 8:1. Using these galvanoforms, nickel micro zone plates were produced for the soft x-ray wavelength λ=2.4 nm, with smallest zone widths of 30 nm and 40 nm, achieving first-order diffraction efficiencies of up to 13% and 20%, respectively.