Combating interference by unauthorised persons
Abstract Under the new threat situation it is necessary to impede and if necessary detect ingress by unauthorised persons into the relevant establishment. It may be necessary to take additional measures to protect installations or parts thereof that are especially hazardous or at risk from terrorist attacks from interference by unauthorised persons. It is the duty of the state to take precautionary and preventive measures to impede or prevent external terrorist attacks or entry by force into establishments. The necessary resources for this purpose must be made available even in times of limited budgets. Since total protection can never be guaranteed, external emergency measures have a particularly important role to play. The competent authorities in this sector must receive the necessary information from the operators and must take the measures within their sphere of responsibility without delay. Much of the information necessary for assessment of the risk situation by the operators and the authorities is already available under the provisions on the safety report and the external alarm and emergency plans according to European Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC). It is recommended that a restriction of disclosure of information on the grounds of public safety should only be permitted for establishments/installations which are to be regarded as security-relevant on the basis of the hazard and the risk analysis. The outline of the systematic approach of a security analysis like it is proposed in Germany is described separately.