Old Radar Types Never Die; They just Phased Array or ... 55 Years of Trying to Avoid Mechanical Scan

As a really old radar type, I thought I’d start off by telling you young guys what’s in store for you. After you pass 60, when you run into someone you haven’t seen for a while instead of saying, “How are you?” they say, “Gee, you’re looking great!” As the years to by, there’s more of the tone that they’re surprised that you’re still around, let alone on your feet. I first congratulate the organizers of this symposium. It is truly an international event with a large number of countries represented on the program and in the audience. The variety and quality of the papers are most impressive. I would also like to acknowledge getting all kinds of material for this talk, especially from Eli Brookner, Meryl Skolnik, Dave Barton, and Roger Sudbury. I mention their names because if this turns out to be a lousy talk you know exactly who to blame.