Revitalizing formative test : A Model of interactive test administration

Revitalizing Formative Tests Second or foreign language (L2) learners are universally assessed by both formative and summative tests. The two tests are most commonly individual-oriented. The learners do the test individually. The seats are sometimes arranged in such a way so that they really work individually - the scores are expected to ‘represent individual achievement’. The argument underlying this workshop is that it is all right for summative tests to play their role as a summative test is by nature measurement at the end of an instructional unit. Let us revitalize formative tests by changing the test class session to look different. The workshop is intended to provide the participants to be active ‘becoming learners working in groups’ and then experience the session of ‘having a formative test’ which is led by the following three innovative and challenging insights: (1) the change from individual (conventional) assessment into group assessment, (2) the change from individual (conventional) assessment into representative assessment, and (3) the change from individual (conventional) assessment into representative assessment with structured discussion.