지역사회 커뮤니티 센터로서의 학교시설복합화 유형에 관한 연구
This study aims to figure out the use of the school facilities as a community center. The twenty-five elementary schools in Korea and nine schools in Japan are analyzed on the frame of the facility types(the athletic facility, the cultural facility, the convenience facility, the educational facility, the welfare facility, and the open-space), the building units(single, multiple), and the user's movement(separate, cross). The results are as follows: (1) The frequently served complexes of the school facilities are the athletic facility, the convenience facility, and the cultural facility in Korea and the convenience facility, the educational facility, the athletic facility, and the cultural facility in Japan. The schools in Japan seem to be more concerned to the life-long studies. (2) Gyms and swimming pools are most popular as the athletic facility both countries. The schools in Japan supply the community members with more various contents encouraging participation and relationship-making as the convenience, educational and the cultura facilities. (3) The use of building units and the user's movement are not distinguishable in both countries.