Scientists against war: The research strike is not likely to bring an end to war soon, but such demonstration might have an effect
We read of plans for a research strike at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its object reportedly is to focus attention on the threat to the existence of mankind that appears as a result of the misuse of scientific and technical knowledge. The symbolic strike is probably a good idea. Action that requires effort or involves inconvenience shows conviction that amounts to something. A great deal of significance seems to turn on the interpretation of misuse. The general attitude inferred from statements issued by the MIT group is that far too much of our research applications effort is going toward destructive (military) goals while our society desperately needs more attention to its social and environmental problems. From the view that holds the rights of the human individual above all, the research strikers are right; from the obvious view that war is stupidly and brutally inhumane, they are even more so. Other views derived from the need ...