The Mechanism of Labour in Face and Brow Presentation
Most of our knowledge of the mechanism of labour in face and brow presentation has been gained from clinical observations during labour and delivery, and from examination of the infant’s skull and caput succedaneum after delivery. However, the information obtained, even with repeated ’ pelvic examinations, is incomplete as only a small part of the fetal head is accessible during labour. It was shown in an earlier paper (Borell and Fernstrom, 1957) that more complete and reliable data are obtained by radiological examination during labour. Such studies afford precise information (i) on the position of the fetal head in the birth canal; (ii) on the presenting cranial diameter; (iii) on the movements and attitude of the foetal head; (iv) on the degree and type of moulding. A series of 16 cases of face and brow presentation have been studied radiologically during labour and the findings are reported here.