Basic results are considered of aerohydrodynamic and thermophysical experiments, in which secondary tornado-like jets (TLJ ) are revealed and investigated. These jets are self-organized under conditions of flow past surfaces with three-dimensional recesses (dimples) with a second-order curvilinear surface (TLJS – tornado-like jet surface). Exact solutions are given of unsteady-state Navier–Stokes and continuity equations, which describe the TLJ. The impact is considered, which is made on the flow in dimple by forces forming a flow of new type with built-in secondary tornado-like jets. These forces are absent in the case of flow past initially smooth surfaces. The problems are discussed of reducing the aerohydrodynamic drag on the TLJS , of enhancing the heat and mass transfer with the level of hydraulic loss lagging behind the degree of enhancement, of increasing the critical heat loads under conditions of boiling and supercritical flows of continuous medium past the TLJS , of preventing cavitation damage to the TLJS in hydraulic apparatuses, of reducing the adsorption of foreign matter on these surfaces, of reducing the friction between TLJS rubbing against one another, and of raising the efficiency of facilities for tornadolike conversion of energy of renewable low-potential sources. It is demonstrated that the obtained exact solutions of Navier–Stokes and continuity equations provide an adequate model of generation and evolution of swirling flow of blood in human blood circulation system, which enables one to proceed to development of safe and effective devices for substitution of organs in cardiac surgery. An inference is made about the universality of the flow of new type for raising the efficiency of technologies involving flows of various media.Copyright © 2009 by ASME