Rotor, Propeller and Airframe Noise and Highlights of DLR Research

Aviation noise has evolved into one of the environmentally most disturbing factors of airborne transportation. Aviation noise is a particular problem near densely populated areas. To counter the associated adverse effects of the expected growth of aviation over the next decades, problems need to be resolved on time, and well before the technology is critically needed, in order to try to - at least- let not increase community noise impact, better still reduce it. Accordingly, research to help alleviate the expected future problems associated with aviation noise, and to find ways to minimize its adverse effects as much as possible, is intensified worldwide. This paper discusses DLR's research approaches undertaken to understand the physics of aviation noise and to find technically feasible ways and means to reduce it already at the source. Corresponding efforts are illustrated along several dedicated projects, related, respectively, to the noise from commercial jet-aircraft, helicopters and propeller-driven aeroplanes.