Changing Places: Britain's Demographic, Economic and Social Complexion

The authors examine the impact of labor force changes and residential mobility on population size and characteristics in regions of Great Britain. "Chapter 1 introduces the principal dimensions of socio-economic change which this study will be measuring describes the basis of the Functional Regions perspective and outlines the main features and applications of this approach which we will be using. The next six chapters examine in turn the most important demographic economic and social characteristics which give places their distinctive complexion." Topics explored include changes in population distribution and structure with a focus on increases in the elderly and ethnic minority populations and decreases in average household size; the evolution of the labor force; employment trends; unemployment including long-term and youth unemployment; and selected other indicators of socioeconomic status. "Finally Chapter 8 draws on a small selection of key criteria to construct an Index of Local Economic Prosperity which measures the recent dynamism of cities and towns in Britain...." (EXCERPT)