Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous and Organically Based Matrices 1.0 Scope and Application
1.1 This method is applicable to the microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous matrices, and organic matrices and other complex matrices. If a total decomposition analysis (relative to the target analyte list) is required, the following matrices can be digested: ashes, biological tissues, oils, oil contaminated soils, sediments, sludges, and soils. This method is applicable for the following elements: Aluminum Cadmium Iron Molybdenum Sodium Antimony Calcium Lead Nickel Strontium Arsenic Chromium Magnesium Potassium Thallium Boron Cobalt Manganese Selenium Vanadium Barium Copper Mercury Silver Zinc Beryllium Other elements and matrices may be analyzed by this method if performance is demonstrated for the analyte of interest, in the matrices of interest, at the concentration levels of interest (see Sec. 8.0). Note: This technique is not appropriate for regulatory applications that require the use of leachate preparations (i. This method is appropriate for those applications requiring a total decomposition for research purposes (i.e., geological studies, mass balances, analysis of Standard Reference Materials) or in response to a regulation that requires total sample decomposition. 1.2 This method is provided as a rapid multi-element, microwave assisted acid digestion prior to analysis protocol so that decisions can be made about the site or material. Digests and alternative procedures produced by the method are suitable for analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FLAA), cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAA), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAA), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and other analytical elemental analysis techniques where applicable. Due to the rapid advances in microwave technology, consult your manufacturer's recommended instructions for guidance on their microwave digestion system and refer to this manual's "Disclaimer" when conducting analyses using Method 3052. 1.3 The goal of this method is total sample decomposition and with judicious choice of acid combinations this is achievable for most matrices (see Sec. 3.2). Selection of reagents which give the highest recoveries for the target analytes is considered the optimum method condition.
[1] H. Kingston,et al. Introduction to microwave sample preparation: theory and practice , 1988 .