Traffic re-optimization strategies for dynamically provisioned WDM networks

In Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) networks with dynamic lightpath provisioning, connection requests are served without any prior knowledge of their arrival and departure times. As time passes, network resources may become fragmented because of the network dynamism. Under these circumstances it is highly beneficial to re-optimize (i.e., de-fragment) the existing lightpath configuration at some specific time instances to improve the network resource utilization and reduce the risk that future connection requests will be blocked. Assuming that this de-fragmentation process occurs during a re-optimization phase, this paper presents a set of strategies which govern the time instances when this re-optimization phase should be triggered as well as a set of strategies to decide which of the currently active lightpaths should be optimized at any given re-optimization phase. These strategies are referred to as when-to-re-optimize (when-t-r) and what-to-re-optimize (what-t-r) strategies, respectively. During the evaluation process particular attention is devoted to study the impact that when-t-r and what-t-r strategies have on the traffic disruption metrics (i.e., number of total disrupted connections, disruption time, reconfiguration time) inherent with the re-optimization process. Based on the evaluation results, it can be concluded that the choice of an optimal “when” and an optimal “what” to re-optimize strategy is dependent upon the performance objective (e.g. lower blocking probability or network disruption) in a given network scenario.