Microwave Rocket with 30N thrust and further thrust augmentation with reed-valve air intake

Microwave Rocket is a future low cost transportation system for a large-scale infrastructure construction such as SSPS (Space Solar Power System). It is expected to realize a high payload ratio and low launch cost, because propulsive energy is remotely supplied from a clustered Gyrotron on the ground and air-breathing flight without fuel will be achieved using microwave detonation. For a feasibility study, it is important to know maximum thrust available with a single 1MW Gyrotron. In this study, main objective is to maximize time-averaged thrust under high power operation conditions. As a result, new thrust record of 30 N was accomplished. In addition, reed valve air-breathing system was introduced, and the effect of reed valves was experimentally investigated. Although further augmentation was not observed, air-refreshment in a thruster was promoted with the reed valve system.