HPC and simulations: Teaching the unteachable? Relaying HPC knowledge at secondary schools - Progress report

Simulierte Welten (engl. " Simulated Worlds ") relays HPC knowledge at secondary schools in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, through the collection, design and provision of related material, the documentation of successful teaching concepts, as well as direct interaction with teachers and scholars. The project was initiated by High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart (HLRS) and Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) in Karlsruhe, and enjoys support from the Department of Technology and Environmental Sociology (SOWI V) of University of Stuttgart. The team, consisting of both scientists and teachers, particularly focuses on computational simulations. This area can also be used as a vehicle to relay the strong (but frequently invisible) impact that HPC applications have on society today. This paper focuses on the practical aspects of teaching the complexities of computational simulations at schools, analyzing the boundary conditions and presenting the chosen strategy.