The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has developed an advanced architecture for connecting many maturing Through-The-Sensor (TTS) efforts for an end-to-end demonstration using the AQS-20 mine hunting sensor. The goal of TTS technologies is to exploit tactical sensors to characterize the battlespace environment for Navy Fleet Tactical Decision Aids (TDAs) with minimal impact on tactical systems. The AQS-20 Rapid Transition Process (RTP) will utilize the AQS-20 to demonstrate sensor data collection, processing, fusion, storage, distribution and use in a tactical decision aid. In recent years, NRL has shown that the AQS-20 can be used to obtain swath bathymetry and bottom sediment information in a single flight. In the AQS-20 RTP, these data will be processed and fused with historical databases to provide an improved environmental picture. The RTP will also utilize the Geophysical Data Base Variable resolution (GDBV) dynamic format for storing local datasets. The GDBV dynamic has been developed in prior years to provide an extensible, efficient data storage format for TTS systems. To provide the interconnectivity that is critical to Network Centric Warfare (NCW), the GDBV will be connected to the SPAWAR funded Tactical Environmental Data Services (TEDServices). To complete the flow of information from sensor to user, the RTP will transmit information to the MEDAL TDA through existing connections in The Naval Oceanographic Office’s (NAVOCEANO) Bottom Mapping Workstation (BMW). In addition, TEDServices will handle transmission of the AQS-20 data to NAVOCEANO who serves as the domain authority for oceanographic datasets in the U.S. Navy.
Michael M. Harris,et al.
Environmental Data Collection from the AQS-20
Michael M. Harris,et al.
Acquiring Bathymetry Data With the VSS Sonar on the AQS-20 Mine Hunting System
Michael M. Harris,et al.
Multibeam Bathymetry from a Mine-Hunting Military Sonar
D. W. Harvey,et al.
Geophysical Data Base Variable resolution (GDBV): an object-oriented database for dynamic geo-acoustic data storage
Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past ... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37492).
Chad A. Steed,et al.
Ocean Through the Sensor (TTS) Update
Roy Ladner,et al.
New developments in Internet-based delivery of MetOc data to Warfighters
Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past ... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37492).
Chad A. Steed,et al.
OAML Feathering Algorithm Overview
Michael M. Harris,et al.
Environmental Data Collection Sensor to Decision Aid