Dust Control Material Performance on Unsurfaced Roadways and Tank Trails.

Abstract : Wheeled and tracked and tracked vehicle operation on dry, unsurfaced roadways creates tremendous amounts of dust as soil particles are dislodged and carried into the atmosphere through wind action. To assist installations public works, environmental, and natural resources managers in selecting durable and cost effective dust control products, a research/ demonstration project on unsurfaced roadways at Ft. Hood and Ft. Sill was initiated during the spring of 1996. At Fts. Hood and Sill, each dust control product was applied to recently graded 5OG-yard segments of unsurfaced roadways according to manufacturers recommendations. This arrangement was repeated three times at each installation, allowing for statistical inferences to be drawn from the dust control data. Dust control data were collected at monthly intervals following product application. Levels of dust control associated with each product and the untreated control were evaluated using dust collection pans and photographic images captured immediately preceding and at five seconds after controlled vehicle traffic. Data were evaluated using analysis of variance and products ranked in order of effectiveness using mean separation procedures.