Nature's imagination : the frontiers of scientific vision
Freeman Dyson: . 1: Introduction: the Scientist as rebel. Roger Penrose: . 2: Must mathematical physics be reductionist. Gregory J. Chaitin: . 3: Randomness in arithmetic and the decline and fall of reductionism in pure mathematics. John Barrow: . 4: Theories of Everything. Pat and Paul Churchland: . 5: Intertheoretic reduction: a neuroscientist's field-guide. Gerald M. Edelman and Giulio Tononi: . 6: Neural Darwinism: The brain as a selectional system. Oliver Sacks: . 7: A new vision of the mind. Peter Atkins: . 8: The limitless power of science. Mary Midgley: . 9: Reductive megalomania. Margaret Boden: . 10: Artificial intelligence and human dignity. Hao Wang: . 11: On computabilism and physicalism: some sub-problems. William Clocksin: . 12: Knowledge representation and myth. Gerald M. Edelman: . 13: Memory and the individual soul: against silly reductionism