Cellular Automata Based Binary Arithmetic for use on Self Repairing, Fault Tolerant Hardware

The use of cellular automata has long been identified as a method, and means of modelling different behaviours and systems that may occur across various subject fields. One such area that has not yet been fully explored and tested is the use of cellular automata as the basis for performing arithmetic operations capable of being transferred to different types of hardware. This area is vitally important as it could provide the foundation for the next generation of evolvable and adaptive hardware techniques as the approach of true nano computing comes ever closer. The main feature of this work is a cellular automata based multiplier. This follows on from, and interacts with a previously created cellular automata based binary tree adder. This model will be transferred onto a form of cellular hardware in the very near future. This will enable the exploration of key issues such as fault tolerance in hardware which is of significance in a time where devices are gradually being scaled down in size and are becoming increasingly complex.