The growth of cyber security competition is increase in Indonesia; it is organized by private institutions or university level. This cyber competition will encourage students and community to increase their level of knowledge in protecting the infrastructure by cracker. However, most institution do not prepare the insfrastruture as an internship for students to learn ethical hacking. So, sometimes hacking activity will make the operational disturbed. Institution need to have an isolated network as an arena for study ethical hacking. In this paper, we design a lab for making lab simulation so that red team and blue team can join together in one network. The network topology model which we provide also support scoring automatic for judging the cyber competition. This scoring system will help the white team to control and monitor the competition.
Mike O'Leary.
Small-Scale Cyber Security Competitions
John E. Canavan,et al.
Fundamentals of Network Security
Giovanni Vigna,et al.
Organizing Large Scale Hacking Competitions
John A. Copeland,et al.
The Design of NetSecLab: A Small Competition-Based Network Security Lab
IEEE Transactions on Education.
Edward Chow,et al.
Using Amazon EC2 in Computer and Network Security Lab Exercises: Design, Results, and Analysis