Mathematical Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of the FCCU- SHOF: Case Study of Warri Refinery (WRPC), Nigeria

This article presents the mathematical modeling and dynamic simulation of the fluid catalytic cracking unit and the shell heavy oil fractionator (FCCU–SHOF) units with five new lump kinetic models formulated for the riser, which incorporates the temperature effects on the reaction kinetics. The proposed FCCU- SHOF process is modeled in line with WRPC using the side- by- side model IV configuration. The steady- state parameters are obtained using the process nominal operating conditions together with the process constraints to perform the dynamic simulations which are used to analyze the effect of changing process conditions on the product distributions. The proposed FCCU–SHOF process model has been validated with true data obtained from the normal operation of the plant at WRPC. The validation results show good agreement between the proposed model and the WRPC data and suggest that the proposed can be used as a reliable FCCU- SHOF process model in industrial environment and for the development robust adaptive control algorithms for the FCCU- SHOF process control