Impact of Planing Treatment Regime on Solid Fir Wood Surface

Abstract Each wood item has its own surface relief and consists of miniature peaks and valleys. The size and spatial distribution of these peaks may affect certain properties of the wood surface. This paper presents the research work carried out on planing quality of solid fir wood surface. This paper analyzes the impact of displacement speed and rake angle on the wood surface roughness. Investigations were carried out on the fir samples which were processed in semi radial direction. In this study variable parameters (displacement speed and rake angle of knife edge) and constant parameters (tool speed, depth of cut and the number of cutting edges on the tool) are used. The quality of the surface was determined by a quantitative method. Within the quantitative method the size of roughness parameters, are measured in “M” system of electromechanical profile meter Mitutoyo SJ-201. Comparing the obtained values, it can be concluded that with the planing processing, when increasing displacement and rake angle of the tool, the surface roughness increases.