자치단체 청사 장애인 편의시설 실태조사를 통한 개선방향

This study is to find out a broad range of design issues essential to maintaining independence and functional abilities for the disabled person in the city hall facilities, in order to suggest the directions of the convenient facilities. Two methods are used; observation and measurement. It is found that the followings are inappropriate; gratings on the pedestrian road a hazard for crutches, canes, and wheels, handrails difficult to grasp, use of Braille on the corridor, stair, and ramps, parking area sizes for exclusive use by drivers in wheelchairs, the sink appropriate height for wheelchair users, adequate grab bars, and pictograms for signs. The conclusion is that design issues indicated in the study can be improved by low cost and short period, therefore, improving efforts of the facilities for the disabled person are needed. Second, concern about wheelchair persons' real use of the toilet should be considered in the toilet design such as mobility and accessibility until users seating on the toilet. Third, the traces of the efforts having the facilities for the disabled persons can be found in all five buildings.