Left atrial myxoma is a rare entity with protean manifestations. 1 In the past, diagnosis has proved difficult partly because of the necessarily elaborate techniques required to establish the presence of the tumor. 2,3 Recently, cardiac echograms have proven successful in the preoperative diagnosis of both right and left atrial myxomas. 4-8 We have recently encountered a dramatic example of the successful preoperative diagnosis of a myxoma which emphasizes the value of ultrasound in the detection of these tumors. Patient Summary The patient (JO 3777) was a 35-year-old housewife referred for evaluation of pulmonary infiltrates. She was well until late April 1970 when she developed persistent cough, dyspnea on exertion, and a lowgrade fever. A brief hospitalization and treatment with several antibiotics produced some subjective improvement. During the next 21/2 months the patient had frequent, but mild, afternoon temperature elevations and mild dyspnea. In late July 1970 the patient experienced a
J. Kostis,et al.
Echocardiographic diagnosis of left atrial myxoma.
D. Harrison,et al.
Diagnosis of left atrial myxoma by echocardiography.
The New England journal of medicine.
D. Harrison,et al.
Ultrasound for the diagnosis of atrial tumor.
Annals of internal medicine.
H Feigenbaum,et al.
Diagnosis of Atrial Tumors by Ultrasound
Schattenberg Tt.
Echocardiographic diagnosis of left atrial myxoma.
W. F. Greenwood,et al.
Profile of atrial myxoma.
The American journal of cardiology.
J. Goodwin.
Diagnosis of left atrial myxoma.
H. Mcintosh,et al.
Myxoma of the left atrium: Observations on two cases, with successful removal and review of diagnostic methods